Prenatal • Post Partum Yoga

In the transition of moving, I currently offer no Prenatal/ Post Partum Classes.
Please check in with the on Demand Videos to watch anytime, anywhere.


Adi Shakti

The primal, protective Energy within the feminin, that generates creativity and balance.

Discover your breath and the Power of Meditation to prepare for labor and birth with gentle opening asanas and by building a strong foundation.



Join this safe space to share, learn, laugh and bond with your Baby and other Mamas-to-be.

You will find support and friendship in our intimate groups.


Mama and Baby

A lot has changed for you the past few weeks/months. You’re learning about your new body and everyday life and you’re getting to know the person who’s responsible for this upgrade.

There’s a good chance, you’re feeling a lot of emotions right now, too.



Let’s rebuild strength, release muscle tension, increase energy and calmness, all while connecting to your Baby and other Moms with their little ones.

Please remember to get cleared by a Physician before attending the classes or trying any movements at home. Give your body the time to heal and recover before jumping back into the Yoga Pool.